Register to win a set of AirPod Pros!
Want to see an increase in seminar reservations?
Try adding Text-to-RSVP to register!
Utilizing texting simplifies the registration process for the prospect. This gives them a second way to respond that doesn’t take much effort.
By using ONE number with TWO ways to register with no complex RSVP codes or landing page URLS we help reduce the barriers between you and a potential client.
Which do you think looks easier?
Will your next big client come from a text message?
About The Financial Seminar Services Team
We use our 75+ years’ experience to not only print and mail your seminar invitations, but to make to help make your seminar a success! Our passion is seminars and we love to help advisors with tips and ideas to help fill the seats and write more business! We handle the printing, mailing list, custom designed mailer, digital marketing and RSVP.